Tooth bonding is a popular treatment option because it provides a successful attachment between the filling material and the tooth’s original enamel and dentin. It looks like the original tooth and functions like it as well. Direct composite bonding is used to recreate a smile in an additive manner, where little or no tooth reduction is needed. Direct bonding, in the hands of a skilled operator, is less costly than porcelain veneers and dental crowns and can be long-lasting with proper maintenance. Dental bonding is a comparable alternative to dental veneers and ideal for young patients looking for a less permanent option for improving the aesthetics of their smile. Dental bonding is typically more cost-effective than dental veneers for patients looking to treat cosmetic concerns on a budget. Dental bonding requires less tooth enamel removal than porcelain veneers. Dental bonding allows patients to revisit their cosmetic concern at a later date when they are ready for a permanent dental veneer.